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Legal Notice

Administrative information
Business permit Nr.: 10146690/0
R.C.S. Luxemburg: B271727
Date of incorporation: 12/10/2022
Nr VAT id.: LU34513077


Minute Dating by Veylston S.à r.l-S

Address: 59 Rue du Bois / L-4795 Linger
Phone: (+ 352) 621 181 130


The "" website, including the content there of, is managed and edited by Veylston S.à r.l-S.


The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform (OS). This platform is available at As a client, you always have the possibility to get in touch with the Arbitration Board of the European Commission. We are neither willing, nor obliged, to participate in a dispute resolution process before a consumer arbitration board.

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